Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Recipe for strong money spell


A strong money spell is a potent magical practice aimed at attracting wealth, prosperity, and financial abundance into one's life. Rooted in ancient traditions and modern metaphysical practices, a well-crafted money spell harnesses the power of intention, symbolism, and ritual to manifest desired financial outcomes. In this article, we explore the ingredients, rituals, and intentions necessary to create a powerful money spell that can help manifest financial abundance and success.

I invite you to visit https://magical-rituals.com/category/financial-spells/

I recommend watching the video of casting the spell 

Ingredients for a Strong Money Spell:

  1. Green Candle: Green candles are commonly used in money spells to symbolize wealth, prosperity, and financial abundance. Choose a high-quality green candle of your preference, preferably made of beeswax or soy wax for purity.

  2. Money-Drawing Oil: Money-drawing oil is a potent magical oil formulated to attract financial blessings and opportunities. You can purchase money-drawing oil from a metaphysical store or create your own by blending essential oils such as cinnamon, patchouli, or basil with a carrier oil such as almond or jojoba oil.

  3. Herbs: Certain herbs are renowned for their money-drawing properties and can be incorporated into your spell to enhance its effectiveness. Some herbs commonly used in money spells include basil, cinnamon, bay leaf, and cloves. You can use dried herbs or essential oils depending on your preference.

  4. Crystals: Crystals are powerful allies in money spellwork, offering their energetic vibrations to amplify intentions and attract financial abundance. Crystals such as green aventurine, citrine, and pyrite are particularly effective for manifesting wealth and prosperity.

  5. Abundance Symbols: Incorporating symbols of abundance and prosperity into your spell can help reinforce your intentions and focus your energy. Symbols such as dollar signs, gold coins, or images of wealth and abundance can be included in your spellwork.

Ritual for Casting a Strong Money Spell:

  1. Set Your Intentions: Begin by setting clear and specific intentions for your money spell. Visualize your financial goals and aspirations, focusing on abundance, prosperity, and success.

  2. Prepare Your Sacred Space: Choose a quiet and peaceful space where you can perform your money spell without interruptions. Cleanse the space using smudging herbs such as sage or palo santo to clear away any negative energies.

  3. Prepare Your Tools: Gather all the ingredients and tools you will need for your money spell, including your green candle, money-drawing oil, herbs, crystals, and abundance symbols.

  4. Anoint Your Candle: Begin by anointing your green candle with money-drawing oil. Hold the candle in your hands and focus your intentions on attracting financial abundance into your life. Visualize your goals manifesting with ease and grace as you anoint the candle.

  5. Charge Your Crystals: Place your chosen crystals for abundance and prosperity on your altar or sacred space. Hold each crystal in your hands and infuse it with your intentions for financial success. Visualize the crystals radiating with golden light, attracting wealth and prosperity into your life.

  6. Create Your Spell: Arrange your abundance symbols, herbs, and crystals around your green candle on your altar. Take a moment to connect with the energy of each ingredient and imbue them with your intentions for financial abundance.

  7. Light Your Candle: Light your green candle and focus your gaze on the flame. As the candle burns, visualize your goals manifesting with clarity and precision. Feel a sense of gratitude and abundance filling your heart as you bask in the glow of the candlelight.

  8. Recite Your Incantation: Speak your incantation or affirmation aloud, calling upon the universe to manifest your desires for financial abundance. Use words that resonate with you and affirm your beliefs in the power of manifestation.

  9. Release Your Intentions: Once you have spoken your incantation, release your intentions into the universe. Trust that the universe is conspiring to fulfill your desires and let go of any attachment to the outcome.

  10. Close Your Ritual: Thank the universe, your guides, and any deities or spirits you invoked for their assistance in manifesting your desires. Blow out your candle and release the energy of your spell into the cosmos.

Intentions for a Strong Money Spell:

When crafting a strong money spell, it is essential to set clear and specific intentions for what you wish to manifest. Some intentions you may consider incorporating into your spell include:

  • Attracting financial abundance and prosperity into your life.
  • Securing a job, promotion, or career opportunity.
  • Manifesting unexpected windfalls or financial blessings.
  • Clearing debts, financial obstacles, or blocks to abundance.
  • Empowering your financial goals and aspirations, such as saving, investing, or starting a business.


A strong money spell can be a powerful tool for manifesting financial abundance and success in your life. By harnessing the power of intention, symbolism, and ritual, you can align yourself with the energies of wealth and prosperity and attract financial blessings into your life with ease and grace. Whether you're seeking to increase your income, overcome financial obstacles, or manifest your dreams, a well-crafted money spell can help you tap into the limitless abundance of the universe and create the life of your dreams.

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